Team Kolar Champions / Trap
Jacob Duren
My name is Jacob Duren, and I am 18 years old. I live in a rural area in southern middle Tennessee. I began trapshooting in the Spring of 2017 as a founding member of the Wayne County 4-H/AIM Shooting Sports Team. My hometown did not have a Shooting Team, so my parents and a friend’s father trained as coaches to create a Shooting Sports Team for all youth. As my shooting experience grew, I was able to take on the responsibility of mentoring new and younger shooters as a 4-H Junior Leader on our team.
Currently, I am volunteering with the construction of a trap and skeet range in my hometown. Our goal is to make trap and skeet shooting more accessible to the local youth and their families and to help grow the sport I love for years to come in my community. What I find most rewarding about ATA/AIM trapshooting, as a sport, is the opportunity to develop friendships and relationships with fellow trapshooters of all ages.
- Kolar Arms Max Trap T/A High Profile Combo with a number 4 stock
- Federal Top Gun 1-1/8 oz
- Pilla Outlaw X7
Major Recent Accomplishments:
- Tennessee State Handicap Championship Sub Junior Runner Up
- Tennessee State Doubles Championship Sub Junior Runner Up
- Arkansas State Singles Championship Class Champion N/R
- Arkansas State Doubles Championship Sub Junior N/R
- Arkansas State HAA Class Champion
- Grand American MEC Singles Class Champion
- Kentucky State Class HOA Champion N/R
- Alabama State Doubles Championship Class Champion N/R
- Alabama State Handicap Championship Sub Junior Champion N/R
- Arkansas State Doubles Championship Class Champion
- Tennessee State Hall Of Fame Handicap Champion
- Tennessee State Handicap Championship 7th place
- Arkansan State Handicap Championship Junior Runner Up N/R
- Kentucky State Doubles Championship Class Champion N/R
- Kentucky State HOA Class Runner Up
- Buckeye Open HOA Junior Champion
- Buckeye Open HAA Junior Runner Up
- Dixie Grand Doubles Championship Junior Runner Up
- Dixie Grand Singles Championship Junior Runner Up
- Dixie Grand HOA Junior Champion
- Dixie Grand HAA Junior Champion
- Florida State Prelim Singles Junior Champion N/R
- Florida State Prelim Doubles Junior Champion N/R
- Florida State Prelim Handicaps 6th Place N/R
- Florida State Championship Singles Junior Champion N/R
- Florida State Championship Doubles Junior Champion N/R
- Florida State Championship Handicaps Junior Champion N/R
- Florida State HOA Junior Champion N/R
- Florida State HAA Champion N/R
- Autumn Grand Championship Doubles AA Champion
Kolar Arms Corporate Office
1925 Roosevelt Avenue
Racine, WI 53406
Ph: (262) 554-0800
Fax: (262) 554-9093